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Does Back Boarding Make A Difference? by Jeffrey Shelton

By at August 6, 2013 | 12:55 pm | 0 Comment

Does back boarding a patient really make a difference? That is a question that a lot of people have been trying to figure out in the last couple of years. Sadly, not very many people have done research on this topic, and the only research I have able to find was a PDF file with research done on healthy patients. This essay will go over what back boarding and C-spine more...

acls class memphis , american heart association , bls class memphis , cpr certification memphis , cpr class memphis , cpr memphis , pals class memphis , , , , , , ,

Microbiology Unknown Lab Report | Staphylococcus epidermidis

By at July 27, 2013 | 3:14 pm | 0 Comment

UNKNOWN LAB REPORT Microbiology Unknown Lab Report Jessica Palmer, Spring 2013   INTRODUCTION The purpose of this lab was to identify two unknown bacteria from a mixed culture. The reason for identification of unknown bacteria was to help students recognize different bacteria through different biochemical tests. This is important in the medical field more...

acls class memphis , american heart association , bls class memphis , cpr certification memphis , cpr class memphis , cpr memphis , diseases , heart disease , pals class memphis , , , , ,

Microbiology Unknown | Enterobacter aerogenes | Microbiology Lab Report

By at July 3, 2013 | 1:15 pm | 0 Comment

 UNKNOWN LAB REPORT Microbiology Unknown Rachel Owens Spring 2013 INTRODUCTION Distinguishing between microbes is very significant. Knowing what agent is causing a disease can be vital for determining the accurate treatment for that particular disease. Equally important, is being aware of which microbes are favorable to have and important for homeostasis. The more...

american heart association , bls class memphis , cpr memphis , , , ,

What is Asthma By Michelle Pottgen

By at June 30, 2013 | 10:30 am | 0 Comment

What is Asthma? Asthma is a condition that affects ones ability to breath.  Asthma can be mildly persistent, moderate, or severe. People with asthma will have airways that will always be inflamed. This means that smooth muscle on the inside of the bronchial tube will become swollen, causing the person not being able to get the full amount of air into there lungs a more...

bls class memphis , cpr memphis , diseases , , ,

Bacillus subtilis | Microbiology Unknown Lab Report

By at June 29, 2013 | 12:17 pm | 0 Comment

Unknown Lab Report Microbiology Unknown Number 113 Kristopher Klein April 30, 2013 BIO: 203, 604 Spring 2013   Introduction: There are numerous reasons for identifying an unknown microbe.  Whenever a patient has a bacterial infection, testing must be done in order to find the correct antibiotic to treat them.  Before properly assessing and treating the more...

bls class memphis , cpr memphis , diseases , ,