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This page houses numerous articles written by students in healthcare provider and medical programs. These students are currently taking courses required for their programs, such as anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pathology, etc. As future healthcare providers these students understand the importance of educating patients as well as the community on all topics regarding health and disease.

Each of these papers provides a nice overview on a selected subject that relates to common diseases or common health issues. The paper is written on a basic level in order to educate individuals without a medical background. Although the articles do not go into a great amount of detail on any one topic, they do offer a summary of the most important aspects of the subject. In addition, at the end of each article you will find links to other sources that can provide further information. CPR Memphis hosts these articles as part of their philosophy on the importance of informing and educating the community about disease and overall health.

We hope you like these papers. We will continue to add papers on a regular basis.

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Breast milk supports optimal health in infants including reducing the risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, and certain cancers. Colostrum the earliest form of milk provides antibodies and immunities needed to fight diseases. It is said offering Colostrum to babies is like giving them their first immunizations. The antibodies also help protect against colds, flu, ear infections, asthma, and eczema. Plus, breast milk helps the digestive system because it is easily digested preventing allergies and digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhea. Also, breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS (crib deaths) and respiratory infections.

Asthma is a lifelong disease that affects the lungs and causes difficulty in breathing normally. While there is no cure for Asthma, through proper care, it can be controlled leading to a healthy lifestyle. When taking a breath, air passes through your throat and down into your lungs. Inside the lungs, there are tubes called airways that allow air to be passed through your lungs. However, with Asthma, those air ways become swollen and red or in other words, inflamed. When the airways become inflamed, they become sensitive to things you are exposed to every day such as smoke, dust, weather, and pollutants. These are often referred to as “triggers”.

Anemia is the most common blood condition in the U.S. It has effect on 3.5 million Americans every year. You may be asking, “What exactly is anemia?” Well, anemia is a disease in which your body cannot produce the amount of healthy red blood cells it needs to carry oxygen to your tissues or if you have low or abnormal hemoglobin. This disease has many different symptoms for different causes. The symptoms anemia could cause are fatigue, pale skin, a fast or irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, cognitive problems, cold hands and feet, or headaches. Anemia can also be temporary or long-term depending on the cause.

The heart is one of the main organs in your body that you want to keep healthy and strong. The heart pumps your blood to the necessary organs to keep you alive and moving. Anything that goes wrong with your heart is a horrible situation, especially if it is a family member. Atrial Fibrillation or most commonly called atrial flutter or arrhythmia, is when your heart beats irregularly and not enough blood flows throughout the body which can lead to strokes and other heart-related conditions. It affects 2.7 million Americans.

An important part of medical treatment is bacterial identification. Many treatments are dependent on the identity of the microbe causing the problem. Once the microorganism is isolated scientist are able to examine its structures and determine how it is able to function. Bacteria are mostly known for causing disease or harming the health of humans, but not all bacteria should be considered like this. There are some that are essential for our existence and to keep our food chain from collapsing.

HIV is a serious virus that takes over one’s immune system and eliminates the body’s ability to fight infection. Once the body has a lowered immune system it becomes vulnerable to cancer and many other mild and life-threatening diseases. This illness became known as an epidemic in the homosexual community in the early 1980s. However, over the past thirty-plus years, the research on the virus has hit many milestones and is no longer feared as a deadly disease.

Sexual transmitted disease (STD) was also known as venereal disease (VD) for many years. Recent studies have suggested that the term sexual transmitted infection (STI) is more ideal due to its broader range of meaning. For example, an infected person can infect others without carrying a disease. STDs can be contracted by infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. They are among some of the most difficulty diseases to catch due to that they have to be up close and personal to flourish them.

A Urinary Tract Infection or commonly known as UTI is defined as an infection of any part of your urinary tract system including your urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that can be easily treated with common antibiotics. Women are more susceptible do to a significantly shorter urethra although men can experience UTIs as well.

The prostate is a gland that is part of the male reproductive system. Its role is mainly to liquefy semen. Prostate cancer is a cancer that evolves inside the tissue of the prostate gland. It is more typical for this cancer to occur in older men. This type of cancer, like all the other types, starts with cancer cells being produced as a mutation that occurs in a healthy cell. The new cancer cells start to replicate rapidly until they form a mass of extra tissue that is called a tumor.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases are nothing to play around with. Many people are not very educated about the different kinds of sexually transmitted diseases and the damage that it can do not only to yourself but to your sexual partner too. I’m going to inform you of what trichomoniasis is, who it affects, the symptoms, and how to treat it.

As each day passes doctors, and scientists are making progress in detecting different cancers that are found within the human body. If detected early, some cancers can be cured if treated properly. One type of cancer that science has made curable is Prostate cancer; which is cancer located in a male’s prostate gland. The prostate releases an enzyme that can help determine if an individual has prostate cancer; this glycoprotein enzyme is known as Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA).

Varicocele is something that effects fifteen percent of all men. Though it is not considered one of the more serious conditions a person can contract, there are still some things that folks ought to educate themselves on about the topic. The list below contains nine things that you must know about Varicocele so as to be better equipped to recognize and deal with the condition.

Cryptorchidism is when one or both of the testicles are undescended meaning that the testicle has not dropped in the scrotum. This condition is one that affects baby boys and is not a very common condition. The testicle will sometimes move into the proper place on its own. In cases where it does not descend, there are treatments and surgeries to fix the problem so it does not cause reproductive problems or cancer later in life.

Human Papillomavirus is a viral infection that can affect the dermis and mucous membranes. There are more than 100 types of papillomavirus, 40 of which can affect the genital area of males and females. Most types do not cause any symptoms, however, some cause warts and can lead to certain cancers. The immune system works to destroy the virus, and 90% of cases resolve on their own within a couple of years.

There are various types of health conditions that can affect people’s reproductive systems in negative ways. An example of one of these health conditions is Eclampsia; which is a condition that involves seizures in women with severe cases of preeclampsia. There are various things to know about this condition including; causes, risks, preventions, and treatments.

A lot of women may feel shy or embarrassed to ask personal questions to their doctors. It doesn’t matter if what you are wondering about is embarrassing or you are confused about anything, it is important that if you need something answered that you can ask your doctor. Here are 5 things that you should not be shy or embarrassed about asking your gynecologist.

For a completely treatable, non-life-threatening sexually transmitted disease, gonorrhea has a pretty terrible reputation. In fact, just the word sounds menacing and mysterious – like apocalypse or cacophony. In today’s society, a stigma surrounds STDs. STDs aren’t openly talked about, and as a result, many people lack the education necessary to prevent, recognize, and seek treatment for common STDs. After reading this article, the word “gonorrhea” still might sound like an evil warlord, but it won’t be mysterious.

Vaginosis is a disease of the vagina caused by bacteria and can be sexually transmitted from partner to partner by going directly from anal to vaginal intercourse without changing the condom or washing, the sharing of sexual toys, or by not wiping properly after defecating.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection caused by bacteria that affects any part of your urinary system including the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. A urinary tract infection can be called something different depending on where the infection is along the urinary tract. If it is located in the kidneys it is called pyelonephritis or kidney infection.

Do you have heartburn and are not sure what to do?

  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, spicy foods, etc
  • Avoid overeating
  • Eat small meals
  • Lose weight, if overweight
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes around the stomach area
  • Remaining upright for 3 hours after meals, do go to bed
  • Raising the head of the bed 6 to 8 inches by securing wood blocks under the bedposts

Hepatitis A, B, C, D, what is this all about? What exactly is Hepatitis C? Many people are uneducated about this disease and may get confused with the various types. Well simply put here are nine things you should know about Hepatitis C and then maybe you won’t be as confused.

Ectopic pregnancy is when an embryo has implanted itself outside of the uterine walls. This usually occurs in a fallopian tube but it is possible to have it occur in other parts of the female reproductive system or in the abdominal cavity. Before medical advances, ectopic pregnancies proved fatal in over 50 % of cases. Thanks to developments in medical science, and education for women on how to detect and get treatment for these pregnancies, it has lowered to less than .05% ending fatally. Even with these advances, women and all future parents should be aware of the signs, symptoms, and severity of this condition since it is still the leading cause of death in the early stage of pregnancy. Here are 9 major things you must know about ectopic pregnancies.

You may have never heard of ovarian cysts but believe it or not, most women have them sometimes in their lives. Ovarian cysts are similar to blisters. They are sac or pocket-like and usually form on top of or within the tissue of the ovary. Usually, they are harmless and go away without any treatment within a menstrual cycle or two but sometimes, and especially if they are ruptured, they can lead to some serious problems and complications. Here are a few symptoms of ovarian cysts and some important points too.

A vaccine is described as a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provides immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. Gardasil is a vaccine administered today for preventative measures against transmitting a sexually transmitted disease known as Human Papillomavirus.

Breast cancer is one of the leading killers among women; loads of women in America know what Breast cancer is, but do they really understand what it all entails? While researching this topic, I found some points that I feel everyone should know, both women and men. I found this information interesting; I hope you do as well.

Fibroids are a tumor that is benign (non-cancerous) and can originate in the uterus or cervix of a woman. They can grow in the lining of the uterus, such as the myometrium of the uterus. Fibroids can affect any woman, although it is rare for women under the age of twenty. It is important for women to see their OB/GYN yearly because although fibroids are benign, there are other complications that can arise from fibroids.

Testicular Cancer is a very serious disease causing the cells in one or both testicles to become malignant. There are many things to know about the detection, symptoms, treatments, and survival of testicular cancer. 9 of the main things to know about this disease are listed in this paper.

We have all experienced “that time of the month”, if you are a women that is. Some men experience it but without the bleeding. Have you experienced server cramping or cramping that is worse than usual during your menstrual period? Well if so and you are in your childbearing years you may have what they call endometriosis. Endometriosis is when the tissue that lines your uterus grows outside of your uterus. It usually involves your ovaries, bowel, and the tissue that lines your pelvis. This tissue normally will not spread beyond your pelvic region. The displaced endometrial tissue continues to act as it normally would in the uterus. This means when you have your menstrual period if you have displaced endometrial tissue this tissue begins to bleed as well the only difference is it has no exit.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. The prostate gland is a gland in the male body that provides milky secretions for the sperm to swim in. The urethra also runs through the prostate gland. When a male suffers from BPH the urethra that is inside the prostate gland is pressed on, making urination difficult. Below are nine things that people should know about BPH.

Genital human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted disease, and there are more than 100 different types of this virus. The HPV virus causes warts to develop, and there are 40 different strands responsible for warts that form on the genitals. HPV can cause serious health problems if it is not addressed, and can affect both males and females. It is transmitted through genital contact, most often during vaginal or anal sex, and can also infect the throat and mouth.

Microbes are everywhere. Microbes, or bacteria, are in the grass, in the toilet, in Antarctica and even make up the human body. The number one misinterpreted statement is, “bacteria is bad”. Bacteria allow humans to survive every day by living on top of our skin and in our digestive system. It is not until something out of the ordinary, like a cut on the finger or undercooked food traveling through our intestines, disrupts the bacteria in our body causing a “bad” reaction. If the bacteria cannot be controlled by our own body’s immune system an alternative solution is needed. That is where microbiology comes into play. Microbiology looks at bacterial cells at the molecular level determining new ways of killing potentially harmful bacteria. There are several different classes of bacteria and even the most particular details about a bacteria is needed for the correct treatment. Steps needed to identify specific types of bacteria have been learned thus far in microbiology laboratory and class which will help lead to the identification of two unknown bacteria.

Doctor, it burns when I pee! How often have we dreaded saying that to our physician or heard it as part of a joke? Urethritis is nothing to be ashamed about. In fact many of the causes are simple infections that can be cured with a round of antibiotics! Further on I will examine many facts to help familiarize you with this condition.

Bacteria exist in millions and contain different properties. The structure of a bacterium can determine its pathogenicity and virulence. Each bacterium reacts differently in different environments. These factors are helpful in diagnosing and treating diseases or producing antibiotics. The methods used in this study are stated in the laboratory manual.

It has been estimated that there are 5 nonillion or 5 x 1030 bacteria on earth today. (1) Identification is key to knowing exactly how a particular bacteria should be treated or if treatment is necessary at all. The following study was performed using all of the methods used in the general microbiology laboratory class.

Williams Syndrome (also known as Williams-Beuren Syndrome) is a rare genetic disorder that affects about one in 7,500-20,000 individuals. It is known as an autosomal dominant condition in which there is a deletion of genetic material from a specific region of chromosome 7. Those affected by Williams Syndrome are known to generally have distinct facial characteristics, mild to moderate learning disabilities, and heart/blood vessel problems.

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a disorder that I have come to understand through a childhood shared with my brother who was diagnosed at 11 with this disorder. This became a shared experience as my family learned about my brother’s disorder and how we could help him cope. It was not an easy childhood, however, as an adult he displays very few symptoms and most would not even know he has the disorder. Today he is 33 years old, a college graduate, and working at the top of his field for Microsoft. Tourette Syndrome is often used as a punch line for excessive cursing and I hope this paper sheds a little light on a disorder that not many people know much about.

Yes, we are your local American Heart Association training site. We offer in-person classes, skills checks, and blended online learning.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: 100% of CPR Memphis instructors have entirely completed (1) the rigorous and official American Heart Association instructor training and certification process, and (2) the “How to Teach a Stress-Free CPR Class™” classroom and testing training protocol that ensures a superior experience for everyone. In addition, students will receive their AHA Cards the day of class!

[WARNING]: Because of the high quality, stress-free classroom student experience, our classes fill very fast – so register now to ensure your spot. See our course calendar for online registration or contact us directly by phone, live chat or email with questions.